When a power outage strikes, it can deal a significant blow to both your home and working life. You may find that your computers no longer work as well as they should or that your refrigerator is no longer keeping your food as cool as it could. In order to survive a power outage, investing in a UPS system will help immensely.
You should purchase a UPS system as well as follow some simple tips to ensure your home or office can remain safe and operational when the power is out. Because power outages are becoming more and more common, it is important to monitor the functionality of your electronic equipment. Below are some top tips on how to handle a power outage.
Back-Up With Batteries
Alarm systems, garage doors, and electric gates all run off of electricity, so when the power is out, they might not function. You will need to make sure that you have batteries to back them up and ensure that these vital electronics continue working when you need them most.
Not having a backup battery, especially for your alarm system, might be unsafe during the night-time hours when there is a power outage. Your garage doors will also need to be more functional in case you need to leave and return home when the power is out. Be sure to keep these batteries charged, too, so that you are not left stranded at home or outside your gate for hours.
Light The Way
One of the most difficult aspects of dealing with having no electricity is that you will not have any lights ot navigate your home or office. It is important to keep torches and rechargeable lanterns within easy reach when the lights suddenly go off, as this will allow you to get to and from rooms as and when you need to.
You could have a torch for each person in your office, so that they can find their way to and from the bathroom or to a boardroom should this be needed. While you might have a UPS system to keep computers, servers, and internet connections operational, you should also invest in lighting so that your staff can continue working in comfort.
Use A Generator Safely
If you have the ability to, you could invest in a portable generator for your home or small office. You will need to purchase a battery for this generator in case of an emergency, but having a generator available will ensure that you can continue about your day without needing to worry about being affected by a power outage.
You will need to store enough fuel to power your generator for the duration of the power outage, and be sure to test it monthly for optimal functionality. Only use your generator outdoors and keep it away from windows and always follow the instructions of the manufacturer when it comes to maintenance. Using your generator safely and correctly will make it easier for you to make it through a difficult power outage.
Disconnect Appliances
A few minutes before the power is scheduled to go out (if there is going to be a scheduled outage) you should unplug your appliances and electronics so that there will be no surge when the power returns. However, if you are unsure about when the electricity will be turned off, investing in a UPS system which prevents power surges is ideal.
Unplugging electronic devices such as computers, tablets, routers, televisions, and even some cooking appliances will ensure that they will not be damaged by a surge in power when the electricity returns. Be sure that you are able to plug the appliances and electronics when the power returns, but leaving some off for an extended period might help with them coming back on quicker.
Keep Powering On
Surviving a power outage does not have to be a difficult time. You can keep your home and office operational by backing up everything with batteries, keeping portable lights and rechargeable torches within arm’s reach, and ensuring that you use a generator safely.
If you would like to invest in a UPS system or simply want to purchase batteries for your alarm systems and garage doors, speak to Battery Clinic today to find out what we can offer you.